3-8 Performers
Round 1 Audition Repertoire (Video)
Due: Saturday, October 12
Explorer (ages 6-10)
2 contrasting pieces corresponding to your level from the following sources:
Pieces/movements from the four major stylistic periods - Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th & 21st century.
Video time limit: 15 minutes
Young Artist (ages 11-18)
3 contrasting pieces corresponding to your level from the following sources:
Pieces/movements from the four major stylistic periods - Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th & 21st century.
Video time limit: 25 minutes
Collegiate (ages 18-26)
3 contrasting pieces corresponding to your level from the following sources:
Pieces/movements from the four major stylistic periods - Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th & 21st century.
Video time limit: 30 minutes
Round 1 AuditionVideo Instructions
Ensembles may consist of 3-8 performers.
Round 1 Audition Videos must have been made no longer than 6 months prior to the Saturday, October 12 submission date.
Videos must be made in one session. Cuts between pieces are allowed.
Please use Youtube or Vimeo fomat. Copy & Paste your video URL link on the registration form provided.
Videos that substantially exceed the time limit will be disqualified.
Time Limit: Explorer (6-10) 15 min., Young Artist (11-18) 25 min., Collegiate (18-26) 30 min.
Those Semi-Finalists chosen will receive acceptance notice and detailed instructions for Round 2 Semi-Finals on Monday, October 14, and must register for the Semi-Final Round by Saturday, October 19.​
Round 2: Semi-Final Live Video
Video is performed live with a Competition Adjudicator.
Semi-Finalists will perform 1 piece chosen from the Round 1 Audition video.
Piece must be performed from memory.​
Time Limit: Explorer (6-10) 10 min., Young Artist (11-18) 15 min., Collegiate (18-26) 15 min.
Final Recital/Competition Round: NYC In-Person
Finalists will be given the opportunity to choose one of the pieces presented in the Round 1 Audition Video.
Time Limit: Explorer (6-10) 10 min., Young Artist (11-18) 10 min., Collegiate (18-26) 15 min.​
​Finalists may:
1.) Provide their own accompanist. (Strongly recommended.)
2.) An accompanist will be provided by NYIMF Competition as follows:
Explorer & Young Artist Levels: Accompanist Fee: $45 to include a 30-minute rehearsal plus performance.
Young Artst & Master Level: Accompanist Fee: $65 to include a 45-minute rehearsal plus performance.
Finalists are responsible for all fees and rehearsal logistics arrangements for accompanists provided by NYIMF.
Competition Fees
Round 1 Audition Solo Fee: $80 (Solo Piano, Strings, Voice)
Round 1 Audition Chamber Fee: $60 per person (Chamber Ensembles 3-8 players)
Round 2 Semi-Finals Solo & Chamber Fee: $160 (Solo Piano, Strings, Voice, Chamber Ensemble)
Final Round - New York City Live: No Fee
* Finalists for the Final New York City Round are responsible for all travel and accommodation expenses. *
Questions about repertoire? Please reach out to us. We're happy to help.
Claudia Knafo, Jury Chair